Dr. Mike Klaybor

Employee Assistance Programs

Repatriation: Not an Easy Adjustment

While there is great emphasis on the culture shock that expatriates feel when they arrive in the host country, attention should also be given to the experiences that many expatriates feel when they return. Organizational changes, technological advances, turnover of

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Coaching via Online Streaming Platforms

Coaching via Skype* is increasing in popularity. Many coaches who have shunned coaching by telephone because of its psychological distance are using Skype as a means of having a more personal relationship while still coaching virtually. Dr.  Michael Klaybor, an executive

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Recovery in Russia

Historically, the Russian state’s drug treatment technology is referred to as “narcology.” It is an outgrowth of old Russian psychiatry. Treatment typically consisted only of a heavily medicalized detoxification or may be followed with a course of antipsychotic medications or

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Why Worry? A book for anxious children

Recently, a reprint of the book Why Worry by friend and prolific author, Eric A. Kimmel was recently released. Gayle and I loved this book and read it to our children, then sent it around to friends and because we liked

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Americans Wasted Vacation Tragic

OMG…….what is this about? Why do Americans turn away and lose their vacation time? Then, what happens to their quality of life, relationships and self-care as a result? If you are interested in the entire article, this is the link. Wasted

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Don’t Eat Your Feelings:

For quite some time now, I have found that it not easy for most people to experience their true emotions without consequences. Feelings are complex, difficult, and often a scary proposition for many to tackle. It is not uncommon to

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Low Self-Worth Disease

First of all, I just heard someone describe themselves as have Self-Worth Disease. This struck me as a rather common problem for many. If you happen to be a high or over-achiever (is there such a thing?), then you likely

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Affection, Intimacy & Connection

Verbal affirmation, validation, and expressions of love are necessary for intimacy, loving and connection to your partner. Depending on what you witnessed and grew up with in your family of origin will determine how you express love, affection, gratitude and

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Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.