Dr. Mike Klaybor


Burnout to Balance: How to Redeem Your Life

The pandemic has taken its toll on most of us physically, emotionally, socially, financially and spiritually. This webinar will help you identify signs of burnout, symptoms, and remedies. A review of signs of disillusionment, elements of burnout, and handling burnout.

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Webinar Announcement

Mindfulness in the Workplace

This Webinar is designed to help you learn to use your 4 senses to be more present in your life, grounded and connected to your environment and self-awareness. Definition: Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose,

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Survival Mode Strategies for Lawyers

After the debacle with the power grid in Texas a host of stressors, worries and problems have arisen during the drawn out pandemic crisis we are all facing. Take time out to listen the Texas State Bar Lawyers Assistance Program

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Picture of Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.