Positive Thoughts


If you fire it, you wire it!!!

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  (CBT) helps configure your brain for optimism, positivity and confidence. Since, thought is the basis of our reality, why not create thoughts that build a reality that encourages happiness, fun, and self-esteem? Brain science tells us that thought connects

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Olympics & Mental Strength

Watching athletes (professionals or elite) compete on the biggest stage in the world, the Olympics, is chock-full of great examples of mental strength and mental weakness. The power or use of positive psychology became evident in the athletes who had

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GMAT Test Anxiety Countermeasures

Any type of performance creates stress. Athletes, musicians and dancers all have different reactions to “being tested.”  The goal of our work with test taking anxiety is to help you learn to master the inner mental game to reduce, eliminate

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Optimistic Women Live Longer

To quote from a spokesperson from the British Hearth Foundation on BBC News: “Women who are optimistic have a lower risk of heart disease and death, an American study shows.” The research on nearly 100,000 women, published in the journal

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Picture of Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.