Relentlessly Optimistic
Thanks to a recent session, I was tagged as “Relentlessly Optimistic” I was so delighted by this notion, I thought it worthy of a blog post. Are you a pessimist or optimist? During this very difficult time in the world,
Thanks to a recent session, I was tagged as “Relentlessly Optimistic” I was so delighted by this notion, I thought it worthy of a blog post. Are you a pessimist or optimist? During this very difficult time in the world,
Let’s begin with some ancient wisdom. Do you have a realistic view of how powerful your mind is regarding influencing your mood? There is a way to find out the impact on your emotions, life, decisions, and outcomes of your behavior.
What adventures are you considering embarking upon? How about “do what you love?” If you are spending a great deal of time pleasing others, seeking approval, letting fear guide your decisions, it may be time to confront these demons and
If you haven’t explored the mindfulness movement, it may be time to do so. A clear mind, an open mind that has a positive and optimistic focus creates happiness and health. Don’t just take my word for it. There is
Complaining actually rewires the brain!!! OMG, who would have thought this? In a recent study, it was determined that: “Repeated complaining rewires your brain to make future complaining more likely. Over time, you find it’s easier to be negative than
Procrastination… can we talk about it later?We are all forced to do things we would rather not do, and it is easy to delay those undesirable tasks. But the issue of procrastination is much more present for some than others.
What inspires you? Do you know? Do you seek out what inspires you? Recently, I was exploring new trends, ideas, creativity in ways to make a life meaningful. These quotes jumped out at me. 1. Life is about making an
Is your glass half full or half empty? Perhaps taking time to examine your attitudes and boost your optimism.Optimism is the belief that things will turn out well. It is the expectations that good things come your way and that you
Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.