What adventures are you considering embarking upon? How about “do what you love?” If you are spending a great deal of time pleasing others, seeking approval, letting fear guide your decisions, it may be time to confront these demons and break free of worry, anxiety and fear. Fear of making a mistake, failure or avoidance all serve to strengthen fear and hold you back.
In life, you get just about as many chances as you are willing to take. Unhappiness, regret, holding back, spending time with negative or even toxic people will diminish you in more ways than you can imagine. Do some house cleaning of people, possessions, jobs/careers that are either not leading your anywhere or even pulling you down. Your internal compass knows what is right for you, but you have to tune in and listen to your feelings. Overthinking can paralyze you, “going with your gut” help you be true to yourself. Believe in your abilities, intuition, standards, and own your limitations are examples of your inner GPS.
Once you accept and own your role in your unhappiness, you have a chance to break away. This is not easy for many reasons. Defensiveness, ego, negativity, and self-limiting thoughts and beliefs will shut you down. Close the door on antiquated ideas and beliefs and open the door to love and inspiring people and opportunities. Say “YES”to life. Put yourself out there by taking risks, challenges and promoting inner growth and change.
Ask for advice and/or guidance from people you trust, but be sure to take it graciously and use it. Lastly, risk not, grown not.