Let’s start with the downside of pleasing. What is the cost to you to always please others? Do a bit of self-analysis on the test. Are you….
- Always putting everyone else’s needs before your own?
- Always saying yes?
- Only feel important contributing to others?
- Worry how others will view you?
- Going out of your way for others & depending on their approval for your self-worth & self-esteem?
- Fear being disliked?
- Not being included in the group?
- Exhausted helping others?
- Not taking time for yourself?
- Not happy with your own life?
It may be time for a “Selfie Makeover”. What do I mean? Well, the remedy may have to do with taking care of yourself first. Make sure some of the following considerations are on your personal list of wants and needs.
- Your needs are being met
- Have good boundaries
- Say no
- Speak up for yourself
- Be assertive
- Be expressive
- Feel & act empowered
- An internal locus of control matters more that approval from others
- Affirm myself for my accomplishments
- Proud of yourself
- Able to value yourself
- Feeling a sense of purpose & meaning in your life
Confidence means you can “do something”, self-esteem means you feel good about what you do. Plan to spend more time building your self-esteem by acknowledging yourself and taking compliments sincerely. Why a Selfie? Because, Self matters!!!!