If only there was a magic solution, a magic pill to fix everything…Yesterday, I was delighted to review with a client what she has done to get her life, work and emotions back in balance. To achieve stability, there are many physical and psychological dimensions to engage. Take a moment to review this list and see what you can gleam from it to apply to your life to regain balance.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Medication
- Yoga
- Keeping logs of moods
- Self-soothing activities (to relax & calm yourself)
- Reframing of negative thoughts’
- Fun
- Exercise & activities
- Trips (large & small)
- Deep breathing techniques
- Joining a volunteer organization
- New rituals & routines
- Cleaning up clutter
- Taking small bites & practicing moderation
- Focus on being “good enough” rather than “perfection”
- Affirming self for accomplishments
- Being positive
- Getting social
- Accepting support
- Confiding in friends
- Slowing down & pacing yourself