The article shown below is quite an amazing testimony on the power of them mind to manage pain, heal and repair the body after surgery. In essence, the article postulates that managing stress and relaxation enhance the healing process. By enhance, I mean, speeds it up healing of actual tissue, reduces suffering, pain and discomfort. The more specific you are in visualizing the healing, the more effective the process. If you were to take time each day even prior to surgery and after a procedure to create a positive response, you could help your body heal. When using mental rehearsal or imagery, be vivid and as specific a possible in seeing the tissue healing, blood flow to the area increasing, immune system working properly, mobility and strength returning. For example, see yourself walking, running, and active using your body even better than before the surgery or repair.
Visualize yourself compliant, working daily on your exercises, and responding well. The mind stands at the ready to assist you in your recovery from surgery or an injury. Tap into this inner resource and you will find strength and flexibility returning. In addition, positive thoughts deflect worry, anxiety and fear. Look for ways to validate your recovery from surgery and think the best thoughts you can muster. “I am getting better every day, My body is healing fast, I am going to do everything I can to comply with my doctor or physical therapist.”
If you have trouble doing this mental work on your own, there is help with experts who know how teach you to use these tools. In fact, I frequently create podcasts targeting the best mental images and positive thoughts possible to heal the body with the power of the mind. This article was published in The Psychology of Mind, April 2013.
Visualize yourself compliant, working daily on your exercises, and responding well. The mind stands at the ready to assist you in your recovery from surgery or an injury. Tap into this inner resource and you will find strength and flexibility returning. In addition, positive thoughts deflect worry, anxiety and fear. Look for ways to validate your recovery from surgery and think the best thoughts you can muster. “I am getting better every day, My body is healing fast, I am going to do everything I can to comply with my doctor or physical therapist.”