Webinar on Mind Medicine Listen at Your Leisure

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  • Speaker: Dr. Mike Klabor. (originally webcast 3-1-2011)
    Can your attitude really influence your physical health? Research in the new specialty of Positive Psychology shows that it can. But how? Studies show that how we think has a strong effect on our immune system and other physiological processes that affect overall health and well-being, our resistence to infection, our recovery from surgery, as well as how long we live. Dr. Klaybor discusses the influence of optimism and positive thinking on brain development, happiness and physical health, then shows how to harness this knowledge and use it in your every day life. We may not yet be able to eliminate medical conditions using Mind Medicine, but improving the quality and length of life is possible right now.
  • To view or listen, click on this link.

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Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.