So, you have thought for some time about learning how to meditate. Meditation is a mental discipline. There are many forms of meditation. Meditation is a self healing process, any form of stress is a sign of our negative thinking and Dis-ease within our mind. If we don’t attend to dis-ease in the mind we may find that chronic stress can lead to disease of the body.
Some different forms of meditation include: Guided Meditation, Buddhist Meditation and Mindfulness, Zen Meditation, Walking Meditation, Transcendental Meditation, Habbalah Meditation, Yoga Meditation and many more. Finding the right system for you is essential. Tai Chi, Martial Arts, Qi Gong, and Yoga all incorporate meditation in their practice. So much depends upon your purpose.
The fundamental principle is one of reflection and deliberation, bringing about a state of rumination. In this state, the idea is to reach a higher self by moving into a deep state of relaxation or awareness.
To get going, find a meditation teacher, take a class, read about it, talk to friends about their experience with meditation and try different forms. The right one will emerge for you.