Negativity & Mood: “Avoid Debbie Downer”

Einstein has a pretty good point to stay away from negative people. Consider the following scenario; take a moment  you think about 2 people in your life. Imagine what you are like with a positive person and how you are with  a complainer that sucks your energy with negativity. It is likely that your mood and perspective immediately changes. Your mood can shift from positive to negative just considering history of your time and quality of the relationship. If the person in you mind is always  difficult, pessimistic, complainer or  gossip, your instincts are likely to shift to dread or avoidance. (At least mine does). Trust those instincts and reactions.

On the other hand, think of someone you adore, feel excited to spend time with, have positive feelings about past encounters, your mood elevates, you find reasons to want to call, spend time with and enjoy  mutual admiration and respect. You most likely feel lifted, happy and enjoy the entire experience from initial thought of spending time together  to post moment afterwards. When you can have this type of positive  experience  with a friend should be honored and developed. On the other hand, negative and unrewarding times with other should be limited or even eliminated. Pursue compassionate, thoughtful, empathetic relationships. Your instincts are your compass for how you spend your time and who you choose to be with in your life. Dump the Downers in you life and thoughts!!!! 

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Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.