Do you feel this way sometimes when it comes to trying to communicate or get something done? Have you thought about what might be causing this frustration and block? Perhaps it is time to go deeper and explore the patterns in your life that seem to end up leading to a dead end, anger, disappointment or a feeling of powerlessness. Part of the problem may be some of the following:
- Being liked
- Pleasing others
- Conflict avoidance
- Fear
- Anxiety
- Inability to express yourself
- Fear of authority
- Depression
- Burnout
This model may help you understand how to become more expressive, assertive, feel heard and get more of what you want out of life.
If you remain passive, you will end up feeling used and a victim. If you become aggressive, you become a bully and hurt others. Finding the middle zone to 1) express your thoughts and feelings in a respectful manner creates an opportunity to resolve a conflict or at least begin the repair process, 2) frees you up from pushing down feelings that cause anxiety, depression, stress and resentment.
Do you know why the man is beating his head on the wall, because it feels so good when he stops. Just saying……..