You Spot it, You Got it!!!

What issues keep coming up in your life that continues to plague you? When you find something or someone continues to appear in your life that causes you distress, anger, or fear, it may be time to look inward on the message your feelings are sending you. We all have inner demons that appear causing us to be upset. When you find yourself upset, confused, or reacting in a very negative manner, it may be worthwhile to look at those dimensions within yourself that are similar. Thus, “You spot it, you got it.” It is highly likely that you are upset by something in someone else’s behavior, it is because you have a similar issue or problem within your own life. As the Pema Chodron quote reveals, problems will continue to appear and cycle in our lives, until we find out what we need to know. The biggest clue to being on the wrong track with problems and relationship will come from a position of blame, victimization and/or anger. Once these emotions arise, redirect yourself from looking outward. Let these “problems” become a growth opportunity. This process will take courage, self-evaluation and honesty. It is not easy to look inward and own your own shortcomings. Essentially, the only way out is through. Once your internalize your reactions can you break out of the negative cycle and silence those demons. Face the demon and regain freedom from negative emotions. Avoiding the demon gives away your power and keeps you in fear. Psychotherapy helps you move into your inner sanctuary with trust and safety in a non-judgmental manner.

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Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.