30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself

Marc Chernoff published a great blog post describing 30 Things to Stop Doing for Yourself” then, what to START doing. So, pulling straight away from his list for the upcoming year……take stock of the items listed below to begin a new perspective and life. You have the green light to start a new way of being in the world to move you to happiness, engagement, pleasure, purpose and meaning.

  1. Start spending time with the right people.
  2. Start facing your problems head on.
  3. Start being honest with yourself.
  4. Make your happiness a priority.
  5. Start being proud of yourself.
  6. Start noticing and living in the present.
  7. Start valuing the lesson your mistakes teach you.
  8. Enjoy what you have.
  9. Be polite to yourself.
  10. Create your own happiness.
  11. Give your ideas and dreams a chance.
  12. Believe you are ready for the next step.
  13. Enter new relationships for the right reason.
  14. Give new people you meet a chance.
  15. Compete against an earlier version of yourself.
  16. Cheer for other people’s victories.
  17. Look through a silver lining in touch situations.
  18. Forgive yourself and others.
  19. Help those around you.
  20. Listen you your own inner voice.
  21. Be attentive to your stress level and take breaks.
  22. Notice beauty of small moments.
  23. Accept things when they are less than perfect.
  24. Work toward your goals every day.
  25. Be more open on how you feel.
  26. Take full accountability for your own life.
  27. Actively nurture your most important relationships.
  28. Concentrate on the things you can control.
  29. Focus on the possibility of positive outcomes.
  30. Notice how wealthy you are right now. Begin now making this holiday and 2014 your best yet.  Link to article. Marc Angel Hack Life

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Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.