Does Wellness at Work Payoff?

A resounding YES is the answer. In a recent article Rahul K. Parik reports the following, “an 2010 analysis of 36 studies that looked at corporate wellness programs suggested they can be effective. Researchers calculated that employers saved $6 for every $1 spent: $3.27 saved in medical costs and an additional $2.73 gained due to reduced absenteeism. An earlier analysis had found that such programs reduced sick leave, health plan costs, worker compensation and disability costs by about 25 percent.” So, the company saves money, reduces absenteeism, but you live a longer and healthier life. There are several aspects to wellness as you can see by the graphic. Mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, environmental and social. A balance of these various aspects and can help keep you healthy, but need to be measured. Rate yourself from 0-100 on each segment. Once you have a total score, examine each area to determine where you need to boost your score.
What is your company doing to help your wellness?  More importantly, what are you doing for your own well-being and wellness? It may be time to explore both areas as opportunities for growth, change and improving your life, longevity and quality of life.
The biggest culprits robbing you of a happy and healthy life include: diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, obesity and high cholesterol. If these diseases and problems are managed, your life will improve in immeasurable ways. Take time to look inside yourself to see what you are doing to help or hurt yourself. Explore with your corporate medical department, employee assistance program or human resources to see what incentives, programs and assistance you can get to help you on your way. If you wish to read the article, just click on the link below.
NY Times Article

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Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.