Signs of Wellness

  • Being “Well” may not mean being free from fear, stress, anxiety, pain or disease symptoms. Being well means living fully and in balance within yourself and harmony with your physical environment, even if you have chronic illness, stress, depression or pain. The most important wellness activity is to practice loving yourself. This is not a recommendation to be selfish or egotistical. Rather is suggesting you take full responsibility for your self-care, enjoying being in the body you have and the replacement of negative judgements about yourself with positive ones. Check out the following symptoms of wellness:

  1. A chronic state of inner peace.
  2. Freedom from fear, pain and anger.
  3. An increase in energy.
  4. A loss of interest in self-criticism, being right or judging yourself or others.
  5. An outbreak of spontaneity. 
  6. Feeling of gratitude and appreciation.
  7. Increasing susceptibility to compassion, caring and love followed by an urge to splash it all over others.
  8. A growing sense of belonging and connectedness to people and nature.
  9. An uncontrollable joy about being alive.

In 2013, it may will be worthwhile to work on making the 9 “symptoms” a reality in your life. 

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Picture of Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.