You have often heard about the left brain and right brain and serving very different functions. This photo and explanation should help clarify the ways these two brain halves operate. The corpus callosum separates the two hemispheres of the brain. The left brain is the logic side, cause-effect, and the thinking side. The right brain deals in non-verbal language, mental models of self, the world and relationships. As you can see by the picture, the left brain is serious business always getting down to work and taking care of business. The right side is the play, fantasy, fun and pleasure.
The Amygdala, is the flight or fight center designed to keep you safe. It is your early warning system for danger. When you feel fear, panic or anxiety, it is generated by the amygdala attempting to warn or protect you, What regulated the flight or fight response is none other than the prefrontal cortex. The
Prefrontal cortex (PFC), or the front of the brain not shown is the decision making executive center, regulates emotional responses of the Amygdala. How does it do this? The Pre Frontal Cortex uses cognitive processes, (i.e. thought to calm you down, reassure you) to call off the alarm response generated by the Amygdala. Thus, the origin and power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. Techniques such as thought stopping, reframing, self-soothing techniques such as deep breathing, biofeedback, hypnosis are very effective for anxiety, pain management, stress and panic or phobias. Accessing and using both hemispheres engage logic and imagery, mental rehearsal or relaxation therapies. A combination of these treatment approaches can be very effective in helping you manage a variety of problems and symptoms.