There are basics to consider when you are on the hunt for a job. Ellen Gordon Reeves, author of Can I Wear My Nose Ring to the Interview suggests the following 7 considerations. See if you are on track with these ideas.
- What is your time line? How long can you afford to look?
- Do you know what you really want to do? List 3 skills you enjoy using three task you don’t like and three companies you are interested in.
- Do you have a 30 second pitch? Be ready with a sound bite describing what you are looking for.Do you have supporting materials? You need a business card, resume, cover letter tailored to the job and a social media presence.
- Do you look ready to work? New clothes and a haircut are good starters.
- Do you have a job hunting space? A library, coffee shop, office where you can talk, write and do your job search.
- Who is in your network? List your best resources, friends, former colleagues, and professional contacts that can help.

Then, practice your pitch with friends or family.
Good luck!!!!