Nicotine is a powerful drug which promotes an addiction.
Quitting smoking is NOT a matter of will power, it is a matter of your tolerance training which strikes the pleasure centers of your brain within 6 seconds of lighting up. Saying good-bye to cigarettes is not easy. For most smokers, letting go of cigarettes is like letting go of a friend and companion. In addition, cigarettes neutralize feelings of anxiety, stress and boredom. Since researchers suggest that 1-pack a day smokers live “on the average” 8 years less than non-smokers, ask yourself how much you value your life, time and health. It is possible to quit with the right plan, resources, and support. Readiness to quit is the key.
You can quit and stay quit. It takes a plan, support and commitment.
Quitting smoking is NOT a matter of will power, it is a matter of your tolerance training which strikes the pleasure centers of your brain within 6 seconds of lighting up. Saying good-bye to cigarettes is not easy. For most smokers, letting go of cigarettes is like letting go of a friend and companion. In addition, cigarettes neutralize feelings of anxiety, stress and boredom. Since researchers suggest that 1-pack a day smokers live “on the average” 8 years less than non-smokers, ask yourself how much you value your life, time and health. It is possible to quit with the right plan, resources, and support. Readiness to quit is the key.
You can quit and stay quit. It takes a plan, support and commitment.