Are you in an emotional or physically abuse relationship?

From a Dr. Phil show recently, there were several good points made on what to look for to recognize if you are in an abusive relationship. Take a moment to review the following points to understand the characteristics.

Does your partner continuously degrade or belittle you? If you think that just because you aren’t being physically abused nothing is wrong, think again. If you find these conditions are present, seek help. Call us at 713-621-2490.

• Using economic power to control you

• Threatening to leave

• Making you afraid by using looks, gestures or actions

• Smashing things

• Controlling you through minimizing, denying and blaming

• Making light of the abuse and not taking your concerns about it seriously

• Continually criticizing you, calling you names, shouting at you

• Emotionally degrading you in private, but acting charming in public

• Humiliating you in private or public

• Withholding approval, appreciation or affection as punishment

Results of Verbal and Emotional Abuse, from the Center for Relationship Abuse Awareness:
• A distrust of her spontaneity
• A loss of enthusiasm
• An uncertainty about how she is coming across
• A concern that something is wrong with her
• An inclination to reviewing incidents with the hopes of determining what went wrong
• A loss of self-confidence
• A growing self-doubt
• An internalized critical voice
• A concern that she isn’t happier and ought to be
• An anxiety or fear of being crazy
• A sense that time is passing and she’s missing something
• A desire not to be the way she is, e.g. “too sensitive,” etc.
• A hesitancy to accept her perceptions
• A reluctance to come to conclusions
• A tendency to live in the future, e.g. “Everything will be great when/after …”
• A desire to escape or run away
• A distrust of future relationships

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Dr. Mike Klaybor

Dr. Mike Klaybor brings thirty years of experience in practicing counseling psychology with individuals and couples. His approach is cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. Specific specialties include; anxiety and stress management, chronic pain & chronic illness management, depression, substance abuse evaluations, employee assistance and executive coaching for workplace performance and leadership.